Past Will Be Future Read online

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today as well. The lack of it in our oceans that we are witnessing now causes changes of climate and the image of land. However, not the salt, even though the world is collapsing because of the lack of it, nor an often tragic destiny of women candidates for the throne are bothering me, I’m bothered by the question who will be today’s Isaac, a royal puppet and Ishmael’s alias Barak Obama’s successor.

  Some additional facts confirming the biological power of the blind Isaac

  Isaac’s grandson Joseph saved Egypt and his brothers from starvation, so we can expect from his heir, the blind Isaac of today to do a similar thing.

  The question is if we really have to look for the blind Isaac among the living. He might have already been living, unnoticed by us.

  There is something else that has to be mentioned. Isaac wasn’t really Abraham’s son by body, for he was conceived by God who visited the elderly Sarah. Was Isaac born blind because of Sarah’s sin? Not necessarily. Later in the far future Jesus was explaining to his disciples the birth of a blind boy, blind not because his parents or he himself might have sinned, but because such was God’s will. Everything has its aim though the cause might be excluded.

  Another option is that the blind Isaac will be planted. By who? Nibiru people? Might be. He might be an inhabitant of the planet Nibiru, rising from the spiritual powers of the planet Isar that vanished in the solar system like a pile of dust and is now returning (it reappeared in Moses’ time as well) as a debut and the lost son of the Solar system. There is a fascinating similarity between the words Isaac and Isar. And the word Nibiru is a part of the word Nofra, Nefretete, the wife of Pharaoh Senvosret (Senusret) and the patron of Sinuhet. Sinuhet is a historically justified person, who can be equated with Isaac’s grandson Joseph of Egypt. Nostradamus came across the word Nibiru as well and jotted it down as Nebro, meaning a secret place and time. The word Nebro has not been explained till now, for now I know only my explanation.

  Momentarily it doesn’t matter whether the blind Isaac is still a spirit waiting to be humanized or, desires, alive, tired and fed up with life, Assumption. It might be that he needn’t be revealed just yet, so he must hate our inquisitiveness.

  On the other hand, Jacob’s continuation might be even more important than Isaac’s. As a refugee, Jacob, Isaac’s son came into possession of Adam’s talking head and with it the prophetic power. Germanic word for it was Mimir.

  What does the name Jacob mean, in fact?

  In Indian heritage Jacob is known as Jatobe, meaning in Sanskrit Svajambhuva, which is in Europe the Virgin in the precession circle, or the beginning of the new precession of a new time. So to say, the word Jacob means exactly what in our time or the near future would be satisfaction for the blind Isaac.

  It’s written in the New Testament that Jesus was born of a Virgin, a human woman, which I oppose. To be born of a virgin does not mean to be born of a virgin mother, but to be the first and the oldest Earthling. The Greeks know two words for be born of a virgin: Parthenopaeus and Marnas. Parthenopaeus was seemingly born of a virgin Atalanta and left by her on the Mountain Parthenius (virginal), to conceal that she was not a virgin any more. Marnas is the holy title of the Crete Zeus, i.e. Zeus Marnas, meaning born of a Virgin.

  And what about Esau-Ed, Jacob’s twin brother? In his name I hear the word Anedot who was cheated in the verbal battlefield, yet not defeated. He was shoved into our future as a not-human Annunak (born of Anu). Esau-Edom is a parallel word to snake-bull, which is Annunaki or Anedot.

  Jacob cheated on Esau out of the right of the first born and out of their father’s blessing and then he fled to his mother’s brother Laban where he met Laban’s two daughters Leah and Rachel. To get them as his wives (he wished to marry only Rachel, but Laban insisted on both) he had to serve to Laban for fourteen years, seven years for each of them. When returning with his wives and children to his mother, Jacob and Esau met and buried the hatchet.

  Taking into account all the figures mentioned above, I can conclude that in future we are going to be threatened by the destinies of blind Isaac, Esau and Jacob with his talking Adam’s head and of course, Rebecca. The Old Testament Rebecca, the black Eminence of history, valid laws companion is the first known woman with niquab. (Persian niquab is Ruband!) Nowadays we would have to look for her either in the British hinterland, for England will be as it already is, the rescuer of the Muslim world. On the other hand, however, a Merovingian female usurper of the New Europe is not totally impossible. Her name echoes in the ambiguous word Raabok having archetypal powers. The contemporary Rebecca will thwart from behind. A fatal organization might be named after her.

  I sense the adequates as mummies unable to defend themselves. They are lost on their line segment instead of being full-blooded in the space. They should be humble towards history as well as nature. But are they? By their merit half of the word is a devil’s laugh and the other half kid’s crying.


  Let me begin with the word Juno Curitis (Quirito), respectively who this is. Juno Curitis is the main Roman Goddess, among others, a patron of women giving birth. According to the fact that quiritare in Latin means to cry, to scream, I believe that Curitis (Quirito) is the one who screams instead of the birthing mother. However, the word quirito has a negative meaning too when it refers to the Etruscans. The Romans called the Etruscans Quiritis, quiritare means shriek, which is a pejorative. On the other hand, the word quirito loses some or all of its negative echo when used together with the word juno.

  This is the first example of a God’s name losing its sacred meaning. But there are others. Nowadays some Gods’ or heroes’ names sound like dog’s or horse’s names. I hear, for example, the original name for Mongols Mengvushi as man+govedo (sl. cattle), which is the same as Minotaur respectively Annunak. In none of these words ‘govedo’ (cattle) has a pejorative meaning neither does it in the words Buda Govinda and cattle shepherdesses gopies.

  The fall of God’s name can be spotted even in the Holy Bible translated by Primoz Trubar: This nice (sl. zal) devil in the meaning of this evil (sl.zli) devil (zal – zli).

  Another example, taken from P. Trubar: In the current translations of the Holy Bible we can read: ‘my little ones’, respectively ‘boys’, translated by P. Trubar as ‘holy jogri’. The word ‘joger’ is derived from the German Jager. This word was made from the Gothic jungiro or juggiro, meaning Jager (German word for a hunter), as well as jung (German word for young). No need to stress that Jesus did not have in mind hunters when saying ‘my little ones’, or ‘boys’, Primoz Trubar just followed etymology of the German word Jager to the word jungiro, juggiro making an, probably, involuntary mistake, which, sorry to say, is infiltrated into a more prominent translation of the Bible as well.

  The word Jager does not always have a positive meaning in Slovenian language, for example: jaga means roaming around instead of doing something useful.

  In Žitje Metodovo (It is a book about Saint Methodius) there is another expression, in my opinion incorrectly used and that is: konpetra. Konpetra is supposed to be apostle Peter’s mother-in-law, however, my belief is that the meaning of the word konpetra is godmother and not mother-in-law, even though in those times there were no godmothers and godfathers who would take a child to be baptized. There were no godparents, no baptism; double negation? (The Godfather of today is a father-like figure with God’s blessing, but to use the word god in connection with man means, in my opinion, the fall of god’s name.)

  Unlike the English word godfather etc. the Slovenian word boter includes no words or letters showing any connection with god. The Slovenian etymological dictionary derives the word boter from the Latin word, meaning in translation the second father and no god.

  The same happened to the word Pust. It means God, but the Slovenian etymological dictionary again ignores this fact, claiming that the word Pust is a loanword from the Polish language. However, the Polish have another word for Pust and that is ‘mesopust’ (meat-pu
st), according to my opinion, a loanword from the Latin carnival.

  Additionally, I see in the word Pust a secondary word and that is bustion, meaning the piece that is left after the wood burns (coal). The fact that Pust (the carnival figure) is set on fire on Ash Wednesday, also connects the word Pust with bustion and symbolizes, to my belief, the act of purification.

  Etymological research shows that the word Pust contains also the word victim, in Sanskrit ishta, european exta, meaning slaughter offering.

  The fall of God’s name is obvious also in the case of children. A child is supposed to be sacred, however, even in Latin the word for a child, boy putus has two meanings: a child and a slave. And many children are in fact slaves. The Latin knows another expression for a child: liber, meaning the child and somebody to set free.

  The next example are Herod and Garuda. Names mean the same, but beings carrying them act differently. Garuda is god’s bird that saves children, Herod murders them. Is Herod the other side of Garuda? Is massacre of the boys, aged two years and less, a copy of the Aztec practice? Aztecs were murdering babies right after they were born